The Titles We Love

Few years back, a friend would call me Mrs…aah let’s say Mrs. Mathayo and I’d be grinning and feeling like am floating or something. Yeah I would be so thrilled, before we dive into our chitchats I’d be laughing for the first two minutes as I say things like “haki wewe prophetess, haki wewe unakuanga … Read more

Hiding Behind Religion To Excuse Abuse

For victims of abuse who are in denial, excusing abuse can be as simple as “I am praying for my husband to be born again, he sleeps with other women because he doesn’t know better….. Victim: You know my husband beats me up because he’s not born again. He’s not walking in light so that’s … Read more

God The Father

In the journey of familiarising myself with Him as God, (relating to Him as God,) by design He slipped in God the Father card. I won’t say I liked it. I hadn’t paid much attention or even loved conversations on God being the father till I joined a mission school @ 3 months ago.  … Read more